

Some Things in Hell Needed in the Church (Luke 16:22-29)

Some Things in Hell Needed in the Church (Read Lk. 16:22-29)

  • A remembrance of good things that have been ours. (Luke 16:25) They are our motivation to love and serve our God.
  • A separation of the righteous from the unrighteous. (Luke 16:26) This is essential if we are to protect ourselves from harmful influences and preserve the purity of the church.
  • A desire to enter heaven. (Luke 16:24) We will know when we have enough desire to get there, because we will yearn for heaven and makes turns toward heaven in our lives.
  • A personal concern for the lost. (Luke 16:27-28) How dedicated are we if someone in hell demonstrates more interest in the lost than we do?