

Mental Health

During this time of uncertainty, change, and concern over our physical health, we may also be experiencing increased stress, and heightened emotions. Thankfully there many things we can do to stay safe and combat these concerns. I have compiled what I hope to be useful resources, supports and education to help us through this unusual time. If you have commercial health insurance (i.e. BCBS, Aetna, Humana etc.), your insurance company may have already sent you mailers or emails with access to information regarding Covid-19. These materials may prove to be very useful to you and your family. They should help address various ways you can access your doctors at this time if needed. Most companies are offering telehealth as an option so that you can maintain social distancing and avoid crowded waiting rooms. A lot of companies are also waiving any co-pays and or your deductible to ensure you get the help that you need. These supports should also extend to mental health providers. This means if you are feeling overwhelmed you may be able to talk to someone telephonically to help address your stress and develop positive coping skills. There are many wonderful providers and programs that are available at this time. If you have not received any information from your insurance company and need help you should call the customer service number on the back of your card and inquire about your benefits and what is currently being offered. Outside of the insurance world there are various ways we can decrease our stress. I have included a few tips for mental health wellness during this stay at home order. 1) Stick to a routine. You may need to create a “new” routine but try and create some sense of normalcy to your day such as waking up, going to bed, and eating meals at a reasonable time. Create a schedule for you and your family. 2) Maintain grooming and hygiene. Rather than staying in your pajamas all day because you aren't going anywhere, put on your favorite shirt. Wear bright/fun colors. This alone can help elevate your mood. 3) Implement a safety plan for your family. If someone in the house goes to work or the store, create a plan to include minimal contact with surfaces and others until they can sanitize hands, shoes, clothing or other items to help limit exposure to others. 4) Keep active! If you can, and as guidelines continue to allow us, go for a walk. Or utilize technology such as YouTube for free yoga videos, anything to keep moving and not just sitting down all day. (Please be sure to still social distance.) 5) Stay connected. Since we cannot meet like normal for fellowship try texting, calling, video chat, or emailing others to continue to be encouraging to them. With the technology we have available to most of us there are ways we can check on and uplift one another. Start a group chat with daily bible verses! Try Zoom meetings with friends and family for a bible study! 6) Monitor your exposure to Covid-19 related news. We want to stay informed and stay safe but try giving yourself times that you don't watch or listen to upsetting news. Avoid times such as right when you wake up or right before bed. 7) Focus on the good. Stay positive, find a verse to memorize that you find to be uplifting. Take this time to journal. 8) Reach out for help. If you are struggling spiritually, outreach the elders or members of the congregation. If you are struggling emotionally or physically there are many online support groups, webinars, and podcasts that can assist.